Rami Younis

Co-founder @ Palestine Music Expo (PMX)

“Art as a form of resistance: the power of music and visual art”


Panel: Art as a form of resistance: the power of music and visual art

This panel will feature artists and musicians, who will share their personal stories as well as the relationship between their art and resistance. 

How is art used to facilitate difficult conversations? How is it used to both preserve and transcend cultures? What is the role of art in the Palestinian struggle today?

Rami Younis' Bio

Rami Younis is a Palestinian writer and cultural activist from Lyd, Palestine. He is one of the founders of the Palestinian activist group Khotweh, which was active on the issues of home demolitions and Palestinian identity in Lyd and Ramleh, mixed Jewish-Arab cities in occupied Palestine.
Younis served as a parliamentary consultant and spokesperson for the Palestinian member of the Knesset Haneen Zoabi. He co-founded “Local Call”, a Hebrew news in Palestine/Israel, where he served as a writer and an editor, and also wrote for the English sister site, “+972 Magazine”. He is also a co-founder and manager of the Palestine Music Expo, an event that connects the Palestinian music scene to the worldwide industry.
Rami is currently co-directing and producing a “Sci-fi” documentary film, “Lyd in Exile.” Most recently, he was a visiting fellow at Harvard Divinity School for the 2019-2020 academic year.


رامي يونس

تخرج رامي يونس من الجامعة العبرية في القدس وهو كاتب وناشط ثقافي فلسطيني من مدينة اللد. يكتب حاليًا للمجلة الإلكترونية 972+ وكما يعمل كاتبًا ومحررًا في موقع هيبرو سيسترلوكال كول.
يعد أحد مؤسسي “خطوة” للنشطاء الفلسطينيين وهي مجموعة تعنى بتسليط الضوء على قضايا هدم المنازل والهوية الفلسطينية في اللد والرملة ، وهما مدينتان يعيش فيها الفلسطينيون واليهود معاً.عمل يونس مستشارًا برلمانيًا ومتحدثًا باسم عضو الكنيست حنين زعبي. يونس ايضا احد مؤسسي ومدير معرض الموسيقى الفلسطيني الأول على الإطلاق ، وهو حدث يربط المشهد الموسيقي الفلسطيني بالصناعة العالمية.

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