مجموعة بنك فلسطين ومؤسسة “بيلد باليستاين” BuildPalestine توقعان اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية العربيه تتبع Sunday 10 April 2022 Bank of Palestine Group and BuildPalestine sign a Strategic Partnership agreement. BuildPalestine is elated about its strategic...
Foras.ps Foras.ps is an online platform which sources and lists educational and professional opportunities available for Palestinians. The website began as a Facebook group (currently with close to 12,000 followers) which Safaa Ayyad started in 2018. In March 2020,...
BatteryDoctor We’re familiar with the dire situation in Gaza when it comes to electricity and power. With only four hours of electricity per day, Palestinians in Gaza rely heavily on single-use batteries. On average, the Strip uses 40,000 batteries every year- most of...
We’re excited to see health tech begin to flourish in Palestine; here are three social enterprises leading health-tech in Palestine… Hakini, the first mental health online platform in Palestine Hakini, “tell me” or “talk to me” in Arabic, is an online platform...
Ramallah, August 10th, 2021: On October 1-2, BuildPalestine will hold its second annual Summit – a two day event bringing together the Palestinian community to imagine, build, and celebrate, under this year’s theme: “Harnessing Our Collective Power” 2021...
رام الله ، 10 آب (أغسطس) 2021: في 1 و 2 تشرين الأول (أكتوبر) ، تعقد مؤسسة بيلدباليستاين مؤتمرها السنوي الثاني – وهو حدث لمدة يومين يجمع المجتمع الفلسطيني معًا للتخيل والبناء والاحتفال، تحت شعار هذا العام: “تسخير قوتنا الجماعية” تميز عام 2021 بإحساس...